Luxury Hotels and Villas in France

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Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris
France, Paris

FS Hotel George V Paris

Price range
Between € 600,- and € 800,- per night Between € 600,- and € 800,- per night Between € 600,- and € 800,- per night Between € 600,- and € 800,- per night Between € 600,- and € 800,- per night
Rooms: 244
Style: Iconic art-deco landmark

An art-deco landmark built in 1928, Four Seasons Hotel George V is nestled in the Golden Triangle of Paris, just off the historic Champs-Elysees. Oversized suites with Eiffel Tower views welcome you after a day of wandering the quaint, Parisian streets.